Provencal festivals in January
First 3 Sundays in January
OURSINADES, Sausset les Pins (Bouches du Rhône)
Large festival of sea urchins, shellfish and seafood in the harbour. Lively terraces, good atmosphere, craft fair and Provencal folklore.
All January (mid-November to March)
TRUFFLE MARKET in Apt, Carpentras, Richerenches & Valréas
Saturday mornings in Richerenches and Apt, Wednesday mornings in Valreas, Friday mornings in Carpentras.
2nd half of January
Here you can applaud the strongest and best circus acts, who will then be rewarded by the royal family in person.
2nd Sunday in January
SAINT-CLAIR PARTY in Allauch (Bouches du Rhône)
Eight pigs will be roasting on spits all night long, and will be eaten at midday on the Place de la Mairie. A gastronomic fair will liven up the town centre.
3° week-end de Janvier
TRIPETTE PARTY in Barjols (Var)
Come and take part in the picturesque dance of the Tripettes where the whole crowd jumps to their feet. Procession, farandoles, folklore, ball, mass...
Last weekend in January
SAINT BLAISE FESTIVAL in Valbonne (Alpes Maritimes)
Grape and local produce festival, producers' market (olives, oils, honey, gingerbread, cheeses, etc.), large carnival, parade, etc.