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Saint Cézaire sur Siagne

30 km from Cannes and 16 km from Grasse.

Saint Cezaire sur Siagne, bell-tower
This very beautiful medieval village hanging onto vertical cliffs overlooking the Siagne is definitely worth making a detour.
sits on a rocky spur in an idyllic landscape of wooded hills, with views of the Maures and Esterel.
Saint Cezaire sur Siagne, church
It's a site that has attracted people since Neolithic times, inhabited from the 9th century by the monks of Lérins, who cultivated the land and educated the population, a stronghold during the Middle Ages of the Esclapon family, followed by the Villeneuve and Grasse families.
For many centuries Saint Cézaire sur Siagne's local economy flourished, with its many mills producing wheat, olive oil and even paper in the 19th century.
Saint Cezaire sur Siagne, fountain
If you like old buildings, you're bound to enjoy a visit to the medieval village: remnants of town walls dating back to the 14th century, a beautiful church built from pink stone, lintel doors and wash-houses, tiled roofs and covered passageways, shady little squares and fountains, not forgetting the superb Fontaine aux mulets.
Saint Cezaire sur Siagne, panoramic view
Carry on walking right to the end of the village, to admire an authentic Romanesque chapel, with its twinkling grey stone that has withstood the passage of Time so well.
And throughout you are accompanied by this dazzling view of an unforgettable panorama, that you can explore from the orientation table... a bowl of intoxicating fresh air that blows away all the stress of modern urban life!
Saint Cezaire sur Siagne, market
Beneath the municipality of Saint Cézaire lie a large number of caves and sinkholes.
The Saint-Cézaire caves have been open to visitors since the beginning of the 20th century, and in 1920 a film with Charles Vanel was even shot there.

Saint Cezaire sur Siagne, door
For thousands of years, water has eroded, polished, carved and eaten away at the limestone rock, giving rise to some fantastic concretions and formations that will seem even more spectactular if you attend one of the "son et lumière" shows that are given during the summer!

What to see

Roman bridge. Medieval hump-back bridge.
Set of nine 14th century wells.
14th century remains of an ancient fortified settlement.
Mill, wash-houses, porches, lintels....
Caves with "son et lumiere" shows.
Remains dating back to the Neolithic period (a series of megaliths, made up of ten or so standing stones, two of which have been listed as historical monuments, as well as five hill forts).
Sarcophagus from the Gallo-Roman era (visible at the entrance to the Romanesque Chapel at the cemetery).
Church (18th century).
Romanesque chapels of N.D. de Sardaigne from the 12th century.
Saint Saturnin and Saint Ferreol in the Siagne valley.

Leisure activities

Hiking. Tennis. Horse-riding. Canoe-kayak.
Summer concerts and events.
Patron saint's feast days on 10th, 11th, 12th September.
Festival of oil and olives on 11th July.
Municipal fete from 20th to 23rd August.


Bed and breakfast.
Holiday rentals.

Saint Cézaire.
Saint Cézaire sur Siagne.
Place à Saint Cézaire sur Siagne.
St Cézaire / Siagne.
Village de Saint Cézaire sur Siagne.


Le Tignet (6 km), Spéracedes (7 km), St Vallier du Thiey (10 km) et Callian (14 km).

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