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26km. north of Nice via the N2204 and then D15. On Highway A8 exit Nice Est heading Sospel-Contes and then D15.

Coaraze church
Classified as one of the most beautiful villages of France, Coaraze is perched at 650m alt. and is called the sun village.
At only a half an hour from the sea, let your imagination go as you stroll about these ancient narrow streets as if in a time warp.
There are arched covered passages, ancient garden gates letting you see through to the whole valley.
Coaraze, landscape
The winding cobbled streets take you through sunny squares bursting with flowers and lead on to show you the houses of stone, or painted in the Italian fashion of blue, pink, or yellow pastels.
Don't hold yourself back from climbing up to the church to see the fountain and the two sundials. Some of the old folks will be glad to tell you the story of Reine Jeanne who ate her children, or legends of sorcery.
Coaraze school

Then there is the one about the devil who cut off his tail that was stuck, in order to get away frorn the Coarazien people who had caught him.
This village far away from everything and with such an odd name, stretches out for 1,714 ha. of mimosas, olive trees, cypress trees, oaks, chestnut trees and pines.

What to see

The sundials of: Cocteau, Valentin, Mona Christie, Doukine, Ponce de Leon, Henri Goetz.
St. Sebastien chapel. 14thc. church.
Chapelle Notre Dame du Gressier or the blue chapel decorated by Ponce de Leon.
Architectural details in the medieval village: lintels, doors and windows, semi-circular vaults, entrances.

Leisure activities

Traditional fairs.
Hiking trails.
Traditional fairs.
Summer workshop of medieval songs.
Local products: goat cheese, honey,olive oil.


Vacation rentals.
Bed and breakfasts


Bendejun (5 km), Contes (12 km) and Lucéram (20 km).