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Touët de l'Escaréne

22 Km from Nice, take the 2204.

Touet de L'Escarene, street
Touët de L'Escarène is located on the road to the col de Braus, in the hinterland of Menton.
The village is on the slopes of a hill and is one of the smallest commune in the Alpes Maritimes.
Stop in the village and you'll be surprised by the ancient stone-built houses with thick walls, vaulted passageways, and narrow paved streets stepping up the slopes of the village.
Touet de L'Escarene,  fountain and wash house
It is as if a part of the village has kept its ancient decor intact, and some streets could easily be used a back drops for films set at the beginning of the century.

What to see

St Martin Church.
ND de la Madone Chapel.

Leisure activities

Walking and Hiking.
Horse riding.


Holiday rentals.


L'Escarène (3 km), Berre des Alpes (8 km), Lucéram (8 km) et Sospel (20 km).

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Main villages of the area: