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48 Km from Nice, take the RN 202 and then the D7 (2 km after St Martin du Var).

Toudon, bell tower
Overlooked by wooded hills, facing the Cheiron mountain range, and dominating the Esteron valley from above, Toudon seems to cling to the slope, while contemplating its cemetery, built at the foot of an astonishing rocky outcrop.
Toudon, arch
From above, you will be seduced by the maze of old roofs which crowd around a pointed bell tower with multicolored glazed tiles, in the middle of a nature which hesitates between mountain and Provence, fir trees or chestnut trees, plum trees, lavender and plants. greasy.
Toudon, vaulted passageway
If the whole is uneven, grayish facades sometimes unattractive, you will be surprised to discover, at the bend of a bend, magnificent remains of the medieval past of Toudon: vaulted passages with roofs of beams, arcades and porches of old stone, fountains from the last century and huge arcade washhouse...
Nooks and crannies, stairs that go up and down in all directions, winding streets that end... in the rock wall, Toudon will require (very) good calves and lots of breath!
Toudon, street
Abandoned children's bicycles, laundry drying, a pensioner watering his vegetable garden, local people having an aperitif... here, we live in the street in summer!

What to see

St Jean's Church XVIIth century.
St Jean's Chapel XIth century.
Alpine barns, arcaded wash houses, waterfall fountains.

Leisure activities

Hiking. Tennis.
Sports area.


Holiday rentals.


Tourette de Château (4 km), Revest les Roches (5 km) et Ascros (12 km).

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Main villages of the area: