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89 Km from Nice, take the D202 heading for Digne, via Entrevaux.

Daluis gorge
Daluis is a small village perched above the Var valley, consisting of a few isolated houses hanging to the slope, grouped around a recently built church with a square bell-tower.
There's nothing exceptional here, apart from the panoramic view of the valley and the river Var, which can be heard roaring far below.
Daluis, church
If you park in the tiny shady car park, you may be tempted to enjoy a little bucolic picnic on the wooden table right next to a small refreshing fountain. Peace and quiet are guaranteed!
Daluis is the first village you reach in the Alpes Maritimes on leaving the Alpes de Haute Provence. It is part of a particularly fascinating tourist circuit that will enable you to discover the vertiginous Daluis gorge.
Daluis, road
Its walls are immense, scoured out of red schist similar to the Cian gorge, but with a greater overhang.
At the bottom of this gorge (a direct drop of more than 300 metres) flows the Var river, which is perfect for white water sports in enchanting wild scenery.
This gorge is an absolute must.
Daluis, Daluis gorge
Waymarked paths will enable you to discover the beauty of these landscapes as you walk from the village of Saint Leger to the village of La Croix sur Roudoule or else take the old smugglers' path which will lead you to Sauze.
The Daluis gorge is not the only natural marvel here. "La grotte du Chat" (is not open to the public anymore), is one of the largest cave systems in the department, with numerous chambers and galleries, waterfalls, plus of course stalactites and stalagmites.

What to see

Church St Celestin. Chapel St Martin.
Remains of the castleu and tower.
The Daluis gorge : the Amen waterfall, Le Pont de la Mariee (the Bride's Bridge), etc.

Leisure activities

Aquatic hike (5,000 metres to travel, with a difference in altitude of 84 m).
Paragliding, Fishing, Boating, Canoeing.
Kayak and white-water sports ("clues" and canyons).
Interpretation trail (accessible to all, altitude difference of 150 metres), with information panels explaining the wildlilfe, minerals, the copper mine, life in olden times, etc.
Bungee jumping (from Pont de la Mariee, 80 metres high).


Bed and breakfast.
Gites. Holiday rentals.


Sausses (6 km), Castellet les Sausses (11 km) et Guillaumes (12 km).

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Main villages of the area: