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Mas Blanc les Alpilles

South of Avignon (28km), between St Remy de Provence (6km) and Tarascon (10km).

Mas Blanc des Alpilles
Mas Blanc des Alpilles is a tiny village nestling at the foot of a beautiful hillside between La Montagnette and the Alpilles in the north-west ofBouches du Rhône.
With an area of just 1.57 km², it is the smallest village in the department and, according to the archives, there has been a settlement here since Year II (1792).
Mas Blanc des Alpilles, rue
In purely tourist terms, Mas Blanc does not have a great deal to offer.
However, it has the great advantage of being ideally situated just a few kilometres away from several popular tourist destinations, including Baux de Provence, Avignon, St Remy de Provence, Arles, Les Saintes Maries and the Camargue.
Mas Blanc des Alpilles, maison

The village is bisected by the D99 which separates the old houses of the village from a number of housing estates which sprawl out lower down.
The previously agricultural land which surrounds Mas Blanc des Alpilles is now used for market gardens (salad plants and early vegetables) and you will also find fruit trees - peaches and nectarines.
Don’t miss the festival of Saint Lambert which takes place in the first weekend of September. For three days the village is alive with courses camarguaises (bull courses), boules contests, “giant aioli”, a ball, an orchestra and plenty of folklore.
Mas Blanc des Alpilles, Alpilles landscape
There is a pleasant walk along the chemin de Rousty. Turn right 200 m after the town hall and you will come to the ancient Roman road which once linked Saint Etienne du Gres to Saint Remy. You can drive along the road but going on foot is a much better way to enjoy the scents of the hillside and to appreciate the tranquil beauty of the countryside. If you like cycling, another lovely excursion, along a bicycle path, takes you right to St Remy and its pleasant terrace cafes.

What to see

Chapelle Ste Lambert, old Romanesque chapel built in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Arts and crafts: furniture maker - wooden Provencal furniture (exhibition and workshop).

Leisure activities

Walking / Hiking.
Bicycle path from Mas Blanc to St Remy.


Holiday rentals.


St Etienne du Grès (3 km), St Rémy de Provence (6 km), Baux de Provence (9 km) et Tarascon (10 km).

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Main villages of the area: