Thorame Basse
Via the D 955, 18 km north of Saint André les Alpes, 5 km after Thorame Haute on the D2 or directly from Saint André les Alpes by the little D2 road (17 km).
Population : 180 inhabitants
Discover the village of Thorame Basse

Thorame Basse is a small village peacefully set in the middle of superb landscapes in the shade of the Cheval Blanc massif (2,323m) in the Upper Verdon valley.
You reach the village by following the course of the Issole river, along a pleasant little road lined with pine and larch trees.

There is a good chance will catch sight of flocks of sheep in the beautiful meadows that open up before you when you reach the hamlet of La Batie just before you arrive at the village.
Thorame Basse was once a centre for transhumance. These days it is mostly in May and October that the big flocks are moved.
In the village, you will notice a few very old houses, one in particular dating from 1577 which is a former stately mansion (unfortunately in bad condition) that was extended in the 18th century by the last lords in the region: the Jassaud family.

You can visit the parish church that was rebuilt in 1588 following damage caused by the religious wars. Inside is a beautiful altar dated 1695, altarpieces from the 17th and 18th century, and a painting dated 1728 painted by the local lord, J Alexandre de Jassaud.
A chapel located outside the village is worth seeing and will be an excellent pretext for a very pleasant walk: the St Thomas chapel between the hamlets of La Bâtie and le Chateau Garnier (before leaving don't forget to ask for the keys at the village "mairie").

You will be able to admire the beautiful fresco dating from the 12th century and repaired in the 16th century.
There are other lovely walks in the area of Thorame Basse, around Notre Dame or by following the Issole towards the hamlet of La Valette.
What to see
St Thomas chapel.
Piegut chapel.
Parish church (1588).
Leisure activities
Thorame Haute (5km), Beauvezer (12km), Villars Colmars (15km) and Colmars les Alpes (17km).