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19 km from Digne les Bains, on the D 900.

Beaujeu, houses
Simply cross the bridge... and there is Beaujeu! !
If Beaujeu ever was a real village, it was a very long time ago.
Today, no more than about a dozen houses remain huddled around a small church, on the banks of a crystal clear river planted with slender poplar trees.
Beaujeu, houses
A few old stone houses laze in the sun, facing due south, between peaceful allotments and gardens.
Water gurgles in the fine washhouse with a tiled roof, and the local dog will not even raise its head as you pass by.
Beaujeu, stone built house
The finest house in the village is without a doubt the mountain guide's.
You can contact him to find out about the many possibilities for hiking or snow shoe treks in winter, offered by the superb untouched natural environment of this peaceful little Arigeol valley.

What to see


Leisure activities

Walking, snow shoe treks, with a mountain guide who lives in the village
(for example to the nearby Chappe peak, 1,667 metres).


La Javie (4 km), Le Brusquet (9 km) et Le Vernet (12 km).

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Main villages of the area: