Le Brusquet
From Digne les Bains, take the D 900 for 10 km.

Today Le Brusquet spreads out along the broad Bléone valley.
Originally the old village was built on the hillside, where some ruins can still be seen clinging to the slopes - but it was the victim of a violent fire in the 14th century and was subsequently rebuilt on the plain.

Le Brusquet consists of a large number of modern houses with gardens and a main street, with a series of grey-fronted houses, set back from the main road.
Le Brusquet has little heritage to offer, apart from a few covered passageways, one or two fine stone façades, a 19th century stone lintel (1844 !), and a terrace invaded by Virginia creeper...

However there are a few architectural curiosities to be noted, such as "Maison du Pilon" (corner corbel supported by small frail columns) and the chapel of Saint-Maurice (two vaulted spans over rectangular lancet intersections).

Above all, Le Brusquet is residential. It must be very pleasant to live here and own one of these fine villas hidden behind the greenery.
It's also a lively village where the "kids" like to listen to rap and make sure the neighbourhood can hear it too, just like anywhere else!
What to see
The chapel of Notre Dame de Lauziere.
The forest park belonging to the natural history society.
Maison du Pilon and the chapel of Saint-Maurice.
Leisure activities
Fishing. Swimming in the Bleone river.
Furnished rental.
Rural gite.