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Via the D951 road from Sisteron and then the D1 for 20km.

Discover the little village of Turriers

Turriers - from the Latin "Turris", in reference to the Baumelles tower, which dominated the village and of which only the foundations remain - is a large village built on a promontory.

Surrounded by a cirque of wooded hills partly eroded by erosion, with a panoramic view over the Champsaur basin and the Écrins massif, Turriers is lucky enough to be sheltered from the wind, giving it a particularly mild micro-climate.

Turriers is a somewhat motley village, with its scattered houses, among which stand out a few fine stone facades, its sloping street that climbs up to the church dating from the last century, its town hall square with its singing fountain, its vegetable gardens and its piles of firewood waiting for the first cold spells...

Turriers' greatest asset is undoubtedly its magnificent unspoilt countryside, with its cultivated fields forming pretty yellow and green patterns when viewed from above, while the wooded hills and mountains invite you to go for walks and hikes, where you'll discover remarkable flora as well as several rare species of butterfly, "Apollon" and other "Alexanor"...

On the Col des Sagnes road, you'll be able to admire a wild setting of gullied mountains, then, on the way down to the Sasse valley, a series of very steep switchbacks known as "Les Tourniquets": you're on the route of the legendary Monte Carlo rally!

Finally, don't leave Turriers without sampling the local honey pastries, or the wild boar and juniper pâtés from the local artisan butcher.

What to see

The Baumelles cross, site of an ancient castle (at the top of the village).
Col des Sagnes.

Leisure activities

Numerous walks. Tennis courts. Fishing. Skiing available.


Bellaffaire (4 km), Gigors (5 km) and Bayons (8 km).

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Main villages of the area: