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Lamotte du Rhône

9km East of Bollene on the D994.

Lamotte du Rhone, church
Located in the North of the Vaucluse, La Motte du Rhône lies at the boundary of three departements.
You are in for a surprise if you think that Lamotte du Rhone is a typical Vauclusian village with their narrow winding streets and old stone houses grouped around the main square next to the town hall or church.
Lamotte du Rhone, city hall
When you arrive at the roundabout at the entrance to the village you'll find the sign indicating the center of the village.
But where is it? You don't need to look any further, around a shady square with its fountain you'll find a number of modern houses, the post office and town hall.
Lamotte du Rhone, square
Opposite, the primary school and village hall lie next to the ancient village church which has recently been magnificently restored to its former glory with a beautiful esplanade.
A few scattered houses and two shops make up the rest of the village.
Lamotte du Rhone, bell tower
Very few historic places to visit, although along a the plane tree lined shady D994 you can find the XIII ° Pont St Esprit .
The bridge rosses the River Rhone and has 26 arches, is 290 meters long and 5 meters wide.

What to see

Pont (bridge) St Esprit (XIII °).

Leisure activities

Walking, Mountain Biking.


Bed and breakfast.


Mondragon (5 km) et Lapalud (7 km).

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Main villages of the area: