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Situated 20 km east of Orange and 11 km south of Vaison la Romaine.

Sablet, village in the Cotes du Rhone vinyards
Sablet is located west of Mont Ventoux, and takes shape at the foot of the Dentelles de Montmirail.
This authentic Provencal village built on top of a mound in the middle of the Comtat Venaissin plain, is a delight to visit.
Sablet, the village
You have to go right to the heart of Sablet to discover the charming and picturesque shady lanes constantly adorned with flowers, the covered passageways with their exposed beams, the fountains, and the houses huddled round the bell tower of the St Nazaire church (12th century).
Sablet is a round village, characterised by the fact that its streets and houses wind in a spiral around the church.
Sablet, fountain and wash house
The encircling ramparts and towers (14th century) remind the visitor that Sablet has a tumultous past.
As you stroll around, you will doubtless happen upon one of the pretty little squares... you will see the mascaron fountain with a little basin by its side... a narrow street will lead you by chance to the 12th century church... and the whole experience will be peaceful, serene, in a word, delightful.
Sablet, vins in Sablet
Around the village, green hillsides produce high quality wines, Sablet is very famous for its wines.
Lovers of good wines you already know them: Gigondas, Vacqueyras, Roaix, Seguret... these words sound sweet to your taste buds ... they are the names of village near to Sablet !!!!
Sablet, tiny street
In July don't miss the book festival, which attracts many writers, and of course the festival is graced by the presence of a few excellent bottles of wine... proposed by the vineyards of Sablet and the region.

What to see

The towers and ramparts.
The heart of the village with its church.

Leisure activities

walking and mountain-biking.
Tennis. Fishing.


Bed and breakfast.
Vacation rentals.


Séguret (3 km), Gigondas (4 km), Rasteau (7 km) et Violès (7 km).

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Main villages of the area: