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Solliès Toucas

15 km north of Toulon by route N97 then D554 (Sollies Pont exit on A57 highway.

Sollies-Toucas, village on the Gapeau river
Sollies-Toucas is an old village on the green banks of the Gapeau north east of Toulon.
The village is strategically located about twenty kilometers from the sea while being away from the crowds and the noise of the coast.
Sollies-Toucas, grocery store
In the village the small streets of Sollies Toucas meander around its old fountains and small squares pleasantly shaded by centuries-old plane trees.
A few meters from the center of the village, you will pass by the pretty bridge which spans the Gapeau river, then you will come across some coffee terraces, small grocery store, butcher's shop, bakery ... typical of the small villages of the south.
Sollies-Toucas, church door
During your stroll, you will not be able to miss the square bell tower of the church (1701) on the facade of which a curious inscription is to be deciphered: « SOL iste jam ipso bis cruce LigatUS aut ecce SOLIs aedES jam veri cruce fulgens ».
This strange Latin motto can be translated in two versions: "this sun has already been chained twice, here by the cross", or, "and here is the temple of the sun now illuminated by the real cross".
Sollies-Toucas, old olive press wheel
If you like fishing and if you appreciate the calm, Sollies-Toucas will be for you a real paradise, you can also make beautiful walks along the banks of the Gapeau as well as beautiful hikes in the hills which surround Sollies Toucas and on the Siou-Blanc plateau (follow the direction of the IME Les Morieres).
Sollies-Toucas, fountain
Little by little new dwellings are being built around the village, the proximity of the town of Toulon is attracting new residents to the town.
Sollies Toucas is in full development and belongs to the community of communes of the Gapeau valley with the two other Sollies: Sollies-Ville (5 km) and Sollies-Pont (3 km) but also the communes of La Farlede (7 km) and La Crau (10 km).

What to see

St Christophe church (1701).
The Chapel of Valaury (1668).

Leisure activities

Fishing. French bowls (Petanque).
Summer entertainments.
Small market on Saturday morning (less than 10 sellers).


Bed and breakfast.
Holiday rentals.


Belgentier (7 km), La Farlède (7 km), Cuers (9 km) et La Crau (10 km).

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Main villages of the area: