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La Roquebrussane

On route D554, between Tourves (13 km) and Toulon (36 km).

La Roquebrussanne, city hall
Between St. Baume and the sea, and set against the mountain chain Loube (830m.) nestles the picturesque village of La Roquebrussane.
Here Provence meets nature and this protected site offers a choice of walks in hills covered with pines and green oaks.
La Roquebrussanne, square
The village, built all in a line, boasts of several small Renaissance houses with mullioned windows..
The origins of La Roquebrussane go back to prehistoria times thus giving this village a rich history and numerous classified sites.

What to see

Gallo Roman villa.
Romanesque chapel Notre Dame (11thc. influence).
Oratories of the Middle Ages. 18thc. Oil mill.
Lake of great and small Laoucien.
The Orris Cave site with gushing waters from the source.

Leisure activities

Mountain biking. Tennis.
Poney Club.
Marked footpaths.


Holiday rentals.


Néoules (5 km), Mazaugues (6 km), Méounes (7 km) et Garéoult (9 km).