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Saint Martin des Pallières

From St. Maximin (29km.), take D560 North to Varages and then turn west onto D561

Saint Martin de Pallieres, the village
Saint Martin de Pallieres is a small, quiet village located in the upper western part of the Var, between Rians and Varages.
Perched on a hill, you will see from a distance the castle which proudly dominates the whole plain, it dates from the 12th century.
Saint Martin de Pallieres, landscape
The village, nestled as an eagle's nest, is a classified site. It has kept its medieval appearance with its houses nestled around the seigniorial castle in order to resist more the invasions of the Middle Ages.
The castle of Saint Martin de Pallières is currently under restoration, only the garden "a la francaise" that surrounds it is open to visitors.

Saint Martin de Pallieres, bell tower
The village of Saint-Martin de Pallieres is charming to visit, small streets follow one another lined with old houses.
Small squares are organized around centuries-old plane trees. Wisely placed benches allow you to catch your breath and enjoy the sweet atmosphere of the village.
Saint Martin de Pallieres, tiny street
The village offers a panoramic view of the entire region with the Luberon massif in the background, then Mont Ventoux, the Durance Valley, the Lure mountain and the Valensole plateau in the east.
Jean Giono, famous writer wrote about St Martin de Pallieres n his book "La Chasse au bonheur" in 1970: "I know a small village in the Var, why keep its name silent, it is Saint Martin de Pallieres, who had a meadow classified. Because this meadow put a beautiful dark green patch on a mound where, indeed this green was a blessing for the eye. Well done! It only took a few intelligent men: maybe only one was enough who persuaded others.".

What to see

The castle's park created in 1734.
The church (1688).
The clock tower.
15th c. Renaissance door.
Chapel St. Etienne.

Leisure activities

Walks and hikes of GR99 heading towards Brue Auriac and la Verdiere.


Holiday rentals.


Esparron (4 km), La Verdière (10 km), Artigues (10 km) et Rians (12 km).

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Main villages of the area: